Since Microsoft have rolled-out the Windows 10 Mobile Upgrade yesterday, many of Lumia or Windows Phone users might be wondering, how to update to Windows 10. The step is simple and just take approximately 1-2 minutes only.

Since Microsoft have rolled-out the Windows 10 Mobile Upgrade yesterday, many of Lumia or Windows Phone users might be wondering, how to update to Windows 10. The step is simple and just take approximately 1-2 minutes only.
Yesterday , 17 March 2016 00:22 GMT+8 , approx. 09.22 am in the Redmond,WA, US, – Microsoft has released the Windows 10 Mobile Update to all selected older WP 8.1 devices.
The Phones and Devices that can upgrade to Windows 10 is :
The Upgrade process is quite easy at first. You just need to Download an app called the Windows 10 Upgrade Advisor :
2 days ago, My Lumia 625 started to hang and keep making problems, and I finally decided to reset it through the WPRT. So I proceed to WPRT and connecting my L625 to PC and install the software as usual.But suddenly , WPRT shows an error that “The Operation could not be finished” and my L625 turns black and can’t restart and even no sign of the phone alive ( Light Exposure, red screen , etc).
So i check again with WPRT and it could not detect my L625 , so i decided to go to “My Phone Was not detected” button and choose my Device Manufacturer, Lumia
Its been a long time since i last update this site on December 4, 2014 . So today, I would like to guide on how to use Windows Phone Recovery Tool (WPRT) . Maybe you have been familiar with the Lumia Software Recovery Tool ( LSRT), for your information the WPRT is another synonym software or handy tools by Microsoft that is specially created for Windows Phone 8 users specifically for Lumia’s and HTC One users.
Nokia Lumia nama yang biasa didengari yang dikuasakan oleh cip pemprosesan Quallcom Snapdragon S4 quad core dan juga dikuasakan oleh Windows Phone 8.
Baru-baru ini pada 20 Disember yang lepas,Nokia telah melancarkan Nokia Lumia 525.Nokia Lumia 525 ini merupakan generasi kedua bagi Nokia Lumia 520.
NOKIA Lumia 525 ini membawakan spesifikasi lebih tinggi daripada Lumia 520 iaitu ia membawa Memory/RAM sebanyak 1024MB atau 1 GB berbanding Lumia 520 ,625 dan banyak lagi.
Layarilah laman web Nokia bagi mengetahui mengenai Lumia525 dengan lebih lanjut
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