Since Microsoft have rolled-out the Windows 10 Mobile Upgrade yesterday, many of Lumia or Windows Phone users might be wondering, how to update to Windows 10. The step is simple and just take approximately 1-2 minutes only.

Since Microsoft have rolled-out the Windows 10 Mobile Upgrade yesterday, many of Lumia or Windows Phone users might be wondering, how to update to Windows 10. The step is simple and just take approximately 1-2 minutes only.
Mungkin ramai yang sudah maklum dan suda mendapat kemaskini Update 1 ini.Tetapi tidak apa kami akan menerangkan apa yang ada di Update 1 ini.
Kemaskini Windows 8.1 Update 1 ini membawakan banyak perubahan yang memfokuskan kepada pengguna Papan Kekunci(KEyboard) dan Tetikus ( Mouse). Antara perubahannya ialah :