Tech Web

Nama Domain?Dan Penggunaannya pada zaman kini?

Sebelum itu maaf kerana sudah lama saya tidak update blog ini….

Pada Zaman Kini Nama Domain atau lebih dikenali sebagai Domain Name telah banyak digunakan di arena internet.Perniagaan -perniagaan usahawan kecil seperti PKS atau IKS juga telah memulakan strategi pemasaran mereka melalui pemasaran online.

Tetapi disebalik itu terdapat sesuatu perkara yang amat menarik tentang Nama Domain ini.Antaranya ialah, Seperti semua sedia maklum Domain ini digunakan juga untuk menggantikan atau sebagai nama domain kedua bagi sesebuah website atau nama domain pendek seperti contoh : (nama domain panjang)
bagi nama pendek nya

Tetapi terdapai jugak keunikannya seperti singkatan nama menggunakan kod domain negara lain seperti ini merupakan laman pemasaran atau jualan online..sesiapa sahaja boleh menjual di situ.Untuk pengetahuan anda ini mengunakan kod domain bagi negara Anguilla yg digunakan bgi menyingkatkan nama kedai tersebut supaya ia nampak unik daripada yang lain.

Selain itu,bagi penggemar teknologi atau pembangun,kebanyakan pembangun teknologi menggunakan ccTLD atau kod domain negara .it dan .io

.it bermaksud IT atau Information of Technology
manakala penggunaan,
.io pula sering digunakan oleh pembangun teknologi seperti contoh ArkOS salah sebuah sistem Operasi yang masih dibangunkan lagi…Laman ArkOS menggunakan domain bagi menunjukkan ia adalah sebuah teknologi yg sedang dibangun atau dibangunkan.

Apakah .io bermaksud?

.io bermaksud Input and Output.Frasa Input and Output sering digunakan oleh pembangunan kerana kebanyakan teknologi mempunya operasi yang melibatkan Input dan operasi Output atau dalam bahasa Melayu-nya ialah Masuk dan Keluar.

Anda boleh mendapatkan maklumat lanjut mengenai nama domain di :
[alert style=”green”][/alert]

Jika anda ingin mendapatkan Domain .com hanya untuk RM35/setahun

[alert style=”green”] Klik di sini untuk ke laman SKSA technology bagi membeli domain .com hanya RM35/setahun[/alert]

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MY Tutorial Web

Create your own website now using joomla and wordpress.

Create your own website now!

How to start?

you can start on by purchasing web hosting and domain first.

Ok next…

next after you have bought your own domain and web hosting you can start by installing CMS on it.

What is CMS??

CMS stand for Content Management System.

wow amazing..what it is??

as i state in this post title “how to create your own website using joomla and wordpress..”

so the example of CMS is Joomla and WordPress.

What was the differences between this both

Joomla is suitable for governments, school,and office website.

While wordpress is suitable for personal blog and blog..lets take an example of wordpress…like this website and like TNW i think…

Let’s get started

if you are new here you can search for how to install joomla and how to install wordpress using the search box.

i don’t know how to do,,can you make it for me

yup i can make it for you for free but the time it depends on what you want to put in it see more below..

i have installed it how to get started?

you can get started by customising your frontend view by downloading template and use it on your website.

Wow i’m very clueless..i don’t know how to do,,can you make it for me

again….yup i can make it for you for free but the time it depends on what you want to put in it see more below..if you don’t have any domains and web hsoting i can do it from scratch but we need some details…


after you have choosen template,extension and many more you can start writing post on it..

wait…i want you to create this for me

ok if you wanted for me to create your website for free..You have to give your details as what we needed..

Fill in your name ,email,tel no and domain that you wanted to use in the form below…we will ask your details via email…

    nuffnang_bid = "e1fdf91bea0de4053d343715e45472e2";
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    nuffnang_bid = "e1fdf91bea0de4053d343715e45472e2";
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            nn.src = '';    
            var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(nn, s.nextSibling);

Tech Tutorial Web

How to create your online Radio?

Freq, Radio….. vs Online Radio

First of all maybe you wanted to create a radio for your company or for fun.But this is the modern way to have radio.It is online.If you prefer radio that using frequency like car radio,we will catch it up later.But first of all maybe you wanted to created a radio.Isn’t right?Yes of course.Here i Have an example of it. The first school Radio in Malaysia Sintok FM . They created their own radio online.SO if you want like this follow this steps.


Setup the prerequisites. The things that we gonna have is the things i listed below.

[ul type=”check”]A server or VPS – Checked [/ul]

[ul type=”check”]PC’s that will be used  for radio control panel – checked[/ul]

[ul type=”check”]AN Equaliser ( if needed,but it is needed in this step)- checked[/ul]

[ul type=”check”]and that it is![/ul]

Ok we will start with a server or VPS.

Server or VPS

Once you wanted to create your own radio you will need this two either Server( dedicated or your own Server) or VPS.In this step i will suggest you to choose Staminus Corp. It’s provide you with cheap dedicated hosting and VPS.For VPS it is only for $19/month.Why i choose Staminus,because when I was doing a research on the SIntok FM using whois on their radio IP that is it show that Sintok FM hosted at Staminus here is the whois result :



If for fun you also can use the free VPS from

ok we will proceed to the next steps

PC for control panel

you only needed 1 pc or if you have more dj in 1 conty you will need to have at least 3 pc maximum.

AN Equaliser

you will need an equaliser for your radio to launch your own radio.You also will need headphones with microphones and a microphone for extra.

Ok next

The Software

You will need to download this software according to your server os

All the software you needed has listed on this website .

[button url=”” target=”e.g. _blank or _self” style=”blue” size=”medium”] Click here to download all the required software[/button]

You just need to download and install it on the server and you’re done.

And you’ll have to setup the software according to your preffered settings.

[alert style=”red”]We will not be responsible if something happen to you.[/alert]



Facebook introduced Embed post

Maybe some of you didn’t notice the present of embed post in facebook.But now you may take a look at a post than click on the arrow beside the post you will see Delete post,edit post,report post and the latest embed post.Now you can embed post to your website like embedding tweets to your website.Try it now.Here is the example.




Horde new interface

Just now I just realised that Horde just changed it’s interface in the latest version(v5).Before this Horde only have poor UI with classical menus and with no CSS customization but now in the latest update it has update all of it into the new interface that looks like Twitter Bootstrap.Her we inserted a few pictures on the new Horde

MY Tech Web

Get your free online Magazine now from Zinio- Malaysia

Maybe many people already know Zinio, the thing that give you many magazine through it library.Now special for Malaysian’s ,Celex partnership with Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia bring Magazine collection for free for Malaysian’s.

Partnership with National Library of Malaysia were one of the initiative under the Digital Malaysia,which encourages the use of technology in a variety of things.

After you have signup with Celex you can click on view collections to view the magazine collections,then automatically it will redirect you to the National Library of Malaysia magazine collection page.

The magazine will be added on Zinio account, and users can access it via the web, or for a better reading experience, can download Zinio app for iOS, Android or Windows.

Apple Web

Apple redesign into iOS 7 style.

Before this apple has introduced the new iOS 7 and Mac OSX Maverick with the new design and latest updates,with the new icons and the latest improvement in it.The iOS 7 also brings the new parallel view that enable us to see the icons in the iphone moving.And iOS7 also brings the new multitasking and control center.

Screenshot (172)

The latest news about apple and iOS 7 was the beta.The icloud beta was redesign with the iOS 7 design/style and it also contain the same features like old icloud but with the new improvement and icons.The pages,numbers and keynote still in beta,while the other are normal.You can start logging in by going to beta  . Here we inserted a few pictures on the new iCloud beta.

Screenshot (176) Screenshot (174) Screenshot (175)

Maybe the iCloud beta will be launch and will be replace old iCloud after the iOS 7 launch.