
QJA ( Qalbul Jaisy Acoustic ) – Salam Lebaran Mark Adam & Eyza Bahra ft W.A.R.I.S

Enjoy the performance from QJA a group of SJI Students

Nikmatilah Video hari ini daripada Kumpula QJA yang terdiri daripada pelajar-pelajar SJI

Kumpulan QJA dari St.John’s Institution, Kuala Lumpur
Adlan Fowzi, Azwan Fowzi, Mohd Irfan Bello, Rifqi Iqi, Ameer Shafiq, Syed Mir Iqbal

Mesti tonton Video ni : Tunggu persembahan QJA – Qalbul Jaisy Acoustic pada hari Jumaat 30/8/2013 @ Sambutan Merdeka Raya SJI dengan lagu Lebaran oleh Mark Adam & Eyza Bahra ft W.A.R.I.S..

–Cikgu Ruby


New Element 115 Takes a Seat at the Periodic Table

[alert style=”grey”] Image courtesy of elements database [/alert]

it isn’t carbon,isn’t sodium nor also isn’t gold.The newly created superheavy element, announced today in a paper published in the journal Physical Review Letters and known so far simply as element 115 — for the number of protons in its nucleus — is a very real thing
So,the Element 115 now were officially welcomed to the chemical periodic table as Element 115 and officially labelled as ununpentium dictated by international chemistry naming rules, is neither a natural nor practical thing. Unlike the first 92 elements on the table, it was created artificially

But that was more than enough time for physicists at Lund University in Sweden to detect the scattering of smaller particles it left behind. Reverse engineering that debris, they could confirm that the new element had indeed been present

[alert style=”yellow”]Source : Time [/alert]


Si Kerdil Berjiwa Besar – Nick Vujicic

Pertama sekali mesti anda ingin tahu siapakah Nick Vujicic.Ini terdapat sedikit info ringkas mengenai Nick Vujicic

Nick Vujicic is a Serbian Australian evangelist and motivational speaker born with tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by the absence of all four limbs. As a child, he struggled mentally and emotionally as well as physically, but eventually came to terms with his disability and, at the age of seventeen, started his own non-profit organization, Life Without Limbs. Vujicic presents motivational speeches worldwide, on life with a disability, hope and finding meaning in life. He also speaks about his belief that God can use any willing heart to do his work and that God is big enough to overcome any disability..

Dia juga merupakan seorang motivator.

Baru-baru ini ketika dia menjejakkan kaki di Malaysia.Ramai yang menunggu kehadirannya.Setibanya di dewan ceramah ramai yang memberi tepukan yang gemuruh kepadanya.Walaupun dia ini merupkan insa yang kekurangan,tetapi dia tetap gigih untuk meneruskan kehidupannya.Bermula dengan memperkenalkan diri di Youtube sehingga ke arena motivasi menceritakan bagaimana untuk maju ke hadapan jika kita dalam keadaan susah bagaimana sekalipun.


Nick juga pada mulanya mengakui bahawa dia sering dibuli di sekolah kerana fizikalnya yang serba kekurangan menyebbkan dia mengalami kemurungan.Tetapi yang lebih sedih lagi adalah kemurugan itu mendorong Nick untuk membuat keputusan untuk membunuh diri dengan melemaskan diri sendiri di tab mandi.Namun cubaan Nick tidak menjadi kerana ibu dan bapanya sering menyelamatkannya.


Walaupun bagaimanapun kisahnya Nic Vujicic merupakan seorang yang kuat,tabah mengharungi segala cabaran walaupun serba kekurangan.Insan seperti Nick inilah yang dapat dijadikan idolaholeh semua orangdi dunia ini termasuk para Orang Kekurangan Upaya(OKU)


Pada 30 Ogos 2013 Yes iaitu pengendali internet 4G membawakan program motivasi  Leaps of Knowledge with Nick Vujicic khas  untuk semua pelajar-pelajar dan ibu bapa pelajar sekolah di Malaysia yang memegang akaun 1Bestarinet.

Kepada semua pelajar dan ibu  bapa jangan lupa anda boleh mendapatkan 2 pas(untuk anda dan ibu bapa anda) melalui akaun 1Bestarinet anank anda.

Apa yang anda perlu lakukan ialah layari ke login masuk menggunakan akaun anda dan aktifkan akaun anda bersama portal 1Bestarinet tersebut.Jika Sudah anda boleh terus ke untuk mendaftar untuk mendapatkan 2 pas eksklusif untuk ke Program Motivasi bersama Nick Vujicic ini.



The Champion of Interstate(Kuala Lumpur) English Drama Competition

I’m going to announced the champion for interstate English Drama Competition was SMK St. John.I’m proud to be Johannian.You can watch the SMK St. John Drama Team perform on yesterday.



Facebook introduced Embed post

Maybe some of you didn’t notice the present of embed post in facebook.But now you may take a look at a post than click on the arrow beside the post you will see Delete post,edit post,report post and the latest embed post.Now you can embed post to your website like embedding tweets to your website.Try it now.Here is the example.




KOMSAS Tingkatan 2 : Sinopsis Hikayat Anggun Cik Tunggal

KOMSAS Tingkatan 2 : Sinopsis Hikayat Anggun Cik Tunggal

Hari ini saya akan kongsikan sinopsis Hikayat Anggun Cik Tunggal yang saya sendiri buat.Sharing is caring.Dan jika anda ingin kongsikan kepada orang lain jangan lupa untuk bagi kredit dan kepada yg ingin menggunakannya sebagai sinopsis komsas untuk ditulis di dalam buku komsas jangan lupa untuk menulis :

Terima Kasih atas sinopsis ini.Saya amat berterima kasih.Dapat juga saya belajar sedikit perkara dari Prosa ini

Nama 🙁 Nama Anda)’

Sekolah : (Sekolah Anda)

[alert style=”yellow”] Apabila anda ingin komen sila gunakan nama penuh anda  atau jika ingin menggunakan sebarang nama samaran sila taip nama penuh di dalam Kurungan/bracket ().Terima kasih.Kami memerlukan anda menggunakan isi butiran yang benar supaya komen anda tidak akan dibuang.Tq [/alert]



Pada suatu hari, Kapal Raja Anggun Cik Tunggal yang digelar sebagai Dendang Panjang datang berlabuh di pelabuhan untuk melakukan urusan jual beli.Secara tiba-tiba sebuah lancang kuning pun tiba dan berlabuh di hadapan Dendang Panjang.

Tindakan lancang kuning berlabuh di hadapa Dendang Panjang telah menimbulkan perasaan marah/ telah membuat Raja Anggun CIk Tunggal Murka.Lalu Raja Anggun Cik Tunggal pun menyuruh Bujang Selamat bertanya kepada pemilik lancang kuning tersebut beberapa soalan.Bujang Selamat pun ke lancang kuning dan muncul pula Si Kembang Cina di dalam lancang kuning tersebut.Bujang Selamat pun bertanya beberapa soalan kepada Si Kembang Cina,lalu Si Kembang Cina pun menjawab.Jawapan itu telah diberitahu oelh Bujang Selamat kepada Raja Anggun Cik Tunggal lalu baginda dengan murkanya menyuruh para hulunbalang  menaikkan panji-panji.Apabila baginda sudah berada di haluan/bersedia, Bujang Selamat diarahkannya untuk memasang Meriam Gerak Gempa.Letupannya menggegarkan dan pelurunya jatuh tidak jauh dari lancang kuning, Dan bermulalah perang diantara dua kapal iaitu lancang kuning dan Dendang Panjang.Kedua-dua kapal menyerang di antara satu sama lain

Raja Anggun Cik Tunggal bertambah murka.Diisinya Istinggar buatan Bali.Tuan Puteri  yang berada di lancang kuning pula mengisi terkulnya.Tiba-tiba sebuah bedilan terkena pada cincin permata Tuan Puteri lalu tercmpak ke laut.Tuan Puteri tersenyum lalu membedil kapal Raja Anggun pula.Sasarannya mengenai hujung tengkolok baginda.Dilihatnya (Tuan Puteri) Raja Anggun sedang mengisi Istinggar,Tuan Puteri terus menyalin pakaiannya lalu terserlah kecantikan asalnya.


Setakat di sini sahaja saya kongsikan.Penghujungnya belum habis saya buat.Tetapi saya harap anda berdikari untuk membuat penghujungnya sekian.

Yang Benar

myhyazid tmvector


Horde new interface

Just now I just realised that Horde just changed it’s interface in the latest version(v5).Before this Horde only have poor UI with classical menus and with no CSS customization but now in the latest update it has update all of it into the new interface that looks like Twitter Bootstrap.Her we inserted a few pictures on the new Horde

MY Tech Web

Get your free online Magazine now from Zinio- Malaysia

Maybe many people already know Zinio, the thing that give you many magazine through it library.Now special for Malaysian’s ,Celex partnership with Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia bring Magazine collection for free for Malaysian’s.

Partnership with National Library of Malaysia were one of the initiative under the Digital Malaysia,which encourages the use of technology in a variety of things.

After you have signup with Celex you can click on view collections to view the magazine collections,then automatically it will redirect you to the National Library of Malaysia magazine collection page.

The magazine will be added on Zinio account, and users can access it via the web, or for a better reading experience, can download Zinio app for iOS, Android or Windows.

Tech Tutorial

How to build your own Web Browser using Chromium

First of all you need this things :

  1. Prerequisite software:
    • Windows 7 or later.
      • A 64 bit OS is highly recommended as building on 32 bit OS is constantly becoming harder, is a lot slower and is not actively maintained.
      • At least 60 GB of free space in an NTFS volume. Tip: having the chromium source in a SSD drive greatly speeds build times.
    • Visual Studio 2010 Professional or Standard.
    • Windows 8 SDK.
    • June 2010 DirectX SDK.
    • (Optional) Cygwin
  2. Install Visual Studio 2010
    1. Make sure “X64 Compilers and Tools” are installed.
    2. Install VS2010 SP1.

  3. Install the Windows 8 SDK.

    Note: If you install the SDK in a path different than C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits8.0 you need to set the following following environment variable:

    GYP_DEFINES=windows_sdk_path=”path to sdk”

  4. Install the June 2010 DirectX SDK
    Note: If your install fails with the “Error Code: S1023” you may need to uninstall “Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable”. See this tip from stackoverflow:

Next you’ll need to patch Windows 8 SDK

    1. Parts of Chromium build using the winrt headers included with the Windows 8 SDK. All the headers we use, including the WRL, can be compiled with Visual C++ 2010 with the exception of one file, asyncinfo.h. This file uses a strongly typed enum which the VS2010 compiler doesn’t understand. To workaround this for the time being, a small patch needs to be applied to the Windows 8 SDK to build with the winrt headers in VS2010:

      Patch for Includewinrtasyncinfo.h

      Index: asyncinfo.h
      — asyncinfo.h
      +++ asyncinfo.h
      @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
       #pragma once
       #ifdef __cplusplus
       namespace ABI { namespace Windows { namespace Foundation {
      -enum class AsyncStatus {
      +enum /*class*/ AsyncStatus {
         Started = 0,
      This patch should be applied to the file “Includewinrtasyncinfo.h” located in your Windows 8 SDK directory. If this patch is not applied, the parts of Chromium that use the Winrt headers will not compile.
      Note: By default the Windows 8 SDK will install to C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits8.0. This directory will require admin privileges to write to. Easiest way to do apply this patch is tostart an administrative command prompt, cd to C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits8.0Includewinrt, run notepad.exe asyncinfo.h and comment out or delete the word “class” on line 66.
      Note: For Googlers, this patch has already been applied to your SDK, everything should Just Work.
  1. (Optional) Install cygwin

Next Build Chromium.

First of all you need to download the depot_tools from here . or the installer ( the installer is not from The Chromium Authors but I creatd it for you to easily extract it without have to waiting for a long time

After you have download it extract it to C: . Next you will need to :

  1. Check out the source code using a direct svn or git checkout. Do not use a tarball since it is not compatible with Windows’ svn client.
  2. Set up the component build (or else creating chrome_dll.pdb may fail laterl) and then regenerate the build files by running “gclient runhooks –force” in a cygwin/cmd window.
  3. Install API keys.
  4. Open the chrome/chrome.sln solution file in Visual Studio and build the solution. This can take from 10 minutes to 2 hours. More likely 1 hour.
  5. If you just want the Chromium browser, and none of the tests, you can speed up your build by right-clicking the chrome project in the solution explorer and selecting Build. You may want to make sure this project is the Startup project (which will display as bold) by right-clicking it and selecting Set as Startup Project. This will make Chromium (as opposed to some random test) build and run when you press F5.

[alert style=”yellow”] This Step was originally taken from Chromium Project Page. [/alert]


Tech Tutorial

How adblock works?

How does Adblock Plus block addresses?

The hard work here is actually done by Gecko, the engine on top of which Firefox, Thunderbird and other applications are built. It allows something called “content policies”. A content policy is simply a JavaScript (or C++) object that gets called whenever the browser needs to load something. It can then look at the address that should be loaded and some other data and decide whether it should be allowed. There is a number of built-in content policies (when you define which sites shouldn’t be allowed to load images in Firefox or SeaMonkey, you are actually configuring one of these built-in content policies) and any extension can register one. So all that Adblock Plus has to do is to register its content policy, other than that there is only application logic to decide which addresses to block and user interface code to allow configuration of filters.

For developers: to register a content policy you have to write an XPCOM component that should implement the nsIContentPolicy interface. Make sure to adjust the module’s registerSelf method to register your component in the “content-policy” category (use the category manager for this). That’s it, now your component’s shouldLoad method will be called and you can decide whether the specific request should be accepted or not.

How does Adblock Plus process its filters and which filters are faster?

All filters a translated into regular expressions internally, even the ones that haven’t been specified as such. For example, the filter adbanner.gif| will be translated into the regular expression/ad.banner.gif$/. However, when Adblock Plus is given an address that should be checked against all filters it doesn’t simply test all filters one after another — that would slow down the browsing unnecessarily.

Besides of translating filters into regular expressions Adblock Plus also tries to extract text information from them. What it needs is a unique string of eight characters (a “shortcut”) that must be present in every address matched by the filter (the length is arbitrary, eight just seems reasonable here). For example, if you have a filter |http://ad.* then Adblock Plus has the choice between “http://a”, “ttp://ad” and “tp://ad.”, any of these strings will always be present in whatever this filter will match. Unfortunately finding a shortcut for filters that simply don’t have eight characters unbroken by wildcards or for filters that have been specified as regular expressions is impossible.

All shortcuts are put into a lookup table, Adblock Plus can find the filter by its shortcut very efficiently. Then, when a specific address has to be tested Adblock Plus will first look for known shortcuts there (this can be done very fast, the time needed is almost independent from the number of shortcuts). Only when a shortcut is found the string will be tested against the regular expression of the corresponding filter. However, filters without a shortcut still have to be tested one after another which is slow.

To sum up: which filters should be used to make a filter list fast? You should use as few regular expressions as possible, those are always slow. You also should make sure that simple filters have at least eight characters of unbroken text (meaning that these don’t contain any characters with a special meaning like *), otherwise they will be just as slow as regular expressions. But with filters that qualify it doesn’t matter how many filters you have, the processing time is always the same. That means that if you need 20 simple filters to replace one regular expression then it is still worth it. Speaking of which — the deregifier is very recommendable.

The filter matching algorithm in detail

How does element hiding work?

Element hiding rules are translated into CSS and applied to all web pages the user is visiting. A rule like then looks like:

@-moz-document domain(
  div#evil_ad, div.evil_ad
    display: none !important;

@-moz-document is a proposed extension to the CSS standard, you can read more about it in theMozilla Developer Center.

Rules that are not restricted to a certain domain will be restricted to the protocols http:// and https:// to prevent them from hiding elements of the browser’s user interface (it is using the chrome:// protocol scheme). For example the rule #div(evil_ad) will be translated into:

@-moz-document url-prefix(http://),url-prefix(https://)
  div#evil_ad, div.evil_ad
    display: none !important;

For developers: Adblock Plus is using the stylesheet service here. This interface came with Gecko 1.8 and allows extensions to add user stylesheets dynamically (before that you could only modify userContent.css which requires you to restart the browser). User stylesheets will overwrite CSS code of all web sites, they have the highest possible importance.

[alert style=”yellow”] This is what we found on adblockplus wiki[/alert]

[alert style=”yellow”] Source : adblockplus wiki[/alert]

How AdBlockPlus give effect to bloggers

With Adblock many users wanted to block ads from youtube,but meanwhile when you surf website example my website the advertisement in this website also will be hidden.In this case the adblock will make our revenue decreased and hard to earn money from that ads.