How to re-upgrade Windows 8.1 after reset your pc back to Windows 8

Since long time i didn’t post anything here, now i would like to share something that may be useful and ease your day.

Re- upgrade Windows 8.1

Maybe before this you reset / refresh your PC or even restore to Factory Default/Settings due to some malfunction or error that keeps happen on your PC.. Then you wanted to re-Upgrade to Windows 8.1 from the Windows Store , but suddenly your actions were stopped by a message saying that you need to update you PC to the latest Update Definitions..

As on my experience, just in this month, i have installed all updates and keeps getting the :

Failure  configuring Windows Update

      Reverting Changes. Do not turn off your computer

This might been more frustrating since you are trying to install all of it and suddenly it come and again, and again..and the most frustrating is when your PC is stuck in the boot loop / in the error message for more than Hours.. As for me i tried troubleshoot it by entering safe mode and everything but it only a temporary since i can’t find what updates actually failed to be configured.

Screenshot (2)

So let’s back to the point , i go to Google and search for Windows 8.1 Windows Update Definition and finally i found it. (you can get it here : )

Screenshot (60)

Ok , grab the versions the matches with your Operating System bit , like mine was x64 for 64-bit .(TIPS : 32 bit also known as x86)

Screenshot (61)

Next , install the downloaded Windows Update package.May take a while.

Screenshot (8)

Once it is done, restart you PC to make your PC configure it.

Then, go to Windows Store and click on Windows 8.1 Upgrade..

Voila, now you can re-upgrade back to your previous Windows 8.1 .

Screenshot (12)

-Myh Yazid


Im a Johannian,part-time blogging on Windows Phone updates.Waiting for Windows Phone 8.1..Nokia Fan..hehe

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